O pasado martes, 30 de Xaneiro foi o día da Paz e no colexio o celebramos de diferentes xeitos.
A nivel de aula, o alumnado traballou con esta temática, reflexionando sobre os problemas do mundo no que vivimos e realizando diferentes traballos sobre a Paz.
Velaquí uns traballos realizados en clase de Inglés e de Plástica.
Ademais, as crianzas cantaron diferentes cancións sobre a Paz!
P-e-a-c-e song
There is a way that we can live, and peace is the way
PEACE, PEACE, PEACE -- and peace is the way
Peace is shaking someone’s hand -- and being a good friend
clap EACE, clap EACE, clap EACE
And being a good friend
Peace is dancing to the beat -- and having fun together
clap- clap ACE, clap- clap ACE, clap- clap ACE
And having fun together
Peace is sharing your nice smile -- and spreading lots of sunshine
clap- clap- clap CE, clap- clap- clap CE, clap- clap- clap CE
And spreading lots of sunshine
Peace is choosing not to hurt -- and playing safe together
clap- clap- clap- clap E, clap- clap- clap- clap E, clap- clap- clap- clap E
And playing safe together
Peace is helping with our hands -- and being kind to others
clap- clap- clap - clap- clap , clap- clap- clap - clap- clap,
clap- clap- clap - clap- clap
And being kind to others
There is a way that we can live, and peace is the way
PEACE, PEACE, PEACE -- and peace is the way
PEACE, PEACE, PEACE -- and peace is the way
Peace is shaking someone’s hand -- and being a good friend
clap EACE, clap EACE, clap EACE
And being a good friend
Peace is dancing to the beat -- and having fun together
clap- clap ACE, clap- clap ACE, clap- clap ACE
And having fun together
Peace is sharing your nice smile -- and spreading lots of sunshine
clap- clap- clap CE, clap- clap- clap CE, clap- clap- clap CE
And spreading lots of sunshine
Peace is choosing not to hurt -- and playing safe together
clap- clap- clap- clap E, clap- clap- clap- clap E, clap- clap- clap- clap E
And playing safe together
Peace is helping with our hands -- and being kind to others
clap- clap- clap - clap- clap , clap- clap- clap - clap- clap,
clap- clap- clap - clap- clap
And being kind to others
There is a way that we can live, and peace is the way
PEACE, PEACE, PEACE -- and peace is the way
I'm The Earth
I am the river flowing
I am the desert dry
I am the four winds blowing
I am the sunset sky
I am the forest breathing
I am the ocean wide
I am the storm clouds gathering
I am the mountain high
I am theEarth
I am the Earth
I am the Earth
I am the Earth
We are the children growing
You are the place we live
We are the seed you’re sowing
We are the life you give
We are the future rising
We will be your voice
We will watch and learn from you
We will make the choice
I am the Earth
You’re in our hands
I am the Earth
We’re in your care
I am the Earth
Together we stand
I am the Earth
This moment in time we share
This moment in time we share
I am the river flowing
We are the children growing
I am the desert dry
You are the place we live
I am the four winds blowing
We are the seed you’re sowing
I am the sunset sky
We are the life you give
I am the forest breathing
We will be your voice
I am the storm
clouds gathering
We will make the choice
We will make the choice
We share the future
Stand side by side
One Earth, one people
We’ll turn the tide
And in the future
They’ll say with pride
One Earth, one people
We turned the tide
Side by side
Side by side
Side by side